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Attorney Jason Waechter and his vetted affiliate lawyers in every state have proven themselves. Millions to our clients.  We specialize in Dog Bite & Dog Attack lawsuit cases.

Call us and put our Special Investigation Unit into action. Secure evidence and witness statements before the insurance company does!


Hire a top dog bite lawyer in your city and state: Call Now.


1-800-708-5433  Get Help For Dog Bite Injuries - Dog Bite Lawyers USA. Dog bites can result in terrible damage and injury to the victim. Even small, seemingly insignificant bites can be life threatening in some instances. You don't know when you're being attacked if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies. So treat all dog bites seriously and seek a doctor's examine. Make sure the doctor knows you were attacked by a dog.

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Stay Safe - Look for the signs
January 27th, 2014 at 1:35 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

One way to help prevent dog bites is to pay attention to a dog's body language.


Dogs usually communicate through body language like tail wagging and direction of their ears; learning and watching for signals like these could help prevent you and your children from harmful dog interaction.



Some signals to watch for:

- Lip licking – when a dog is anxious, they will quickly stick out their tongue and lick their lips in a fast, little flick.


- Yawning – a dog yawns when they are feeling stressed or uncomfortable.


- Turning their face away – when a dog turns its face away, it means that it is uncomfortable with the situation and is trying to avoid what is or may happen.


Shaking off – while dogs do shake to dry off, they shake for other reasons as well. They use shaking as a reset button. When a situation is too stressful, dogs may shake to help distress.


- Freezing – when dogs become frozen it usually it is their last attempt to tell you to back-off before they snap or bite.



Here is a graphic to help understand dog's behavior:


For more information visit:


Helping Children Be Safe Around Dogs





For more information about dog bite laws where you live, or to contact Attorney Jason Waechter who has spent two decades cementing his reputation for results. Jason and his team of vetted affiliate lawyers in every state specialize in Dog Bite & Dog Attack cases. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a Dog Bite please call us today at 1-800-708-LIFE (5433)



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